lørdag den 18. juli 2009
Sort play in Black Jack by Bill Zender
søndag den 28. juni 2009
Team spirit.
- Key names within the team.
- Working area geographicly.
- Member tests. To protect the team bankroll, members should once in a while be skill testet under controlled conditions.
- List of stats: Team members are rated as to their winnings.
- On every casino trip, dealers are rated as A, B, C, and D. D is unplayable.
- Backroom MO if one of the team members is being backroomed.
- Betting system for team members at certain conditions within a dealer shift.
- General policy and procedures.
- Team confidentiality agreement.
- Quality assurance, each team member will be asked to sign a commitment contract.
- Skill requirements for different level of team members.
- Acceptable and non acceptable extra curricular activities for team members.
- Penalties for policy violations.
- Keying guidelines.
- Betting guidelines.
- Accounting, security and quality control.
- Pay ates for team members.
- Scouting work sheet, each casino is scouted to perfection before a team plays the casino.
- Daily updates on the wheel data.
- Possible recalculation of data if maintenance has taken place.
- Exit point should be fixed, so comparison of data is possible.
- Thumper or other external devices might be a possible must, to ensure equal exits in between members.
- Projecting the possible outcome of an average session, given the specific wheel data and NMB conditions.
- Payout rates and intervals.
- Kelly betting.
- General information.
So do the average AP player has the spirit for this ? VB players tends to be 1 man armys where bias players, how rare they ever are, tends to play in teams since they have to keep an eye on things on a personal basis while accounting for clock and anticlockwise spins.
torsdag den 18. juni 2009
Just back from London. This month trip took me to London and i can`t say i was disappointed. I managed to find 2 dirty wheels and played them both. The profit kept the lawn green as they say. This time a little greener than normally.
lørdag den 16. maj 2009
torsdag den 7. maj 2009
Steve Forte
Steve Forte is considered a gaming specialist in almost all kind of gaming. Also roulette. I ran over the chapter on Roulette in his book Casino Game Protection where he describes a very basic VB tecknick using a simple head count for establishing the key revolution. It works very well on a nicely tilted wheel but the way he analyses the scatter is directly misleading. "watch ten spins and add up the ball scatter, then divide with 10 to get an average". So what if there is 5 spins with a bounce of 9 and 5 spins with a bounce of 3, is the average bounce then 6 ?? Obviously we would get a better hit rate by considering the most frequent bounce and obviously we need more than 10 spins for that.
mandag den 4. maj 2009
Use of devices.
The big thing on the scene appears to be the use of Roulette computers. The ones of you who monitors the inter net from time to time will know that there are 3 main sellers on the market. Then there is a small underworld of home developers that keeps their work a little more secretive. Personally I have never used a computer for prediction and when I read about the trouble people go through using them, I am pretty sure I never will. I just learned that an old friend from the AP world, “G”, sad to to say, but is now barred in the entire Germany because he was caught with a device. Being barred is putting everything you ever learned about roulette secondary, because you can`t play anymore. So whats it worth then ?Another thing I always wondered about is, how can it be applied without surveillance noticing if you are a 1 man army ? A friend of mine working on security in a Danish casino, says that a late sector better that stares in the wheel and tapping his foot, maybe keeping a hand in the pocket during each spin, or any other action that none of the ordinary players is doing is raising a red flag if he is also winning. So unless you can actually build a device, implant it under your skin or, and maybe do the clicking with a mouth device, I would say the road to wealth with a device is a dead end.There is also the possibility of using another player to do the clicking and transfer the results to an earpiece so the one who places the bets only needs to listen to the earpiece. Maybe one man only does the clicking, transfer the clicks to a partner with a computer in a car on the outside, then sending results to the player with the earpiece is another possibility. But again, getting caught will get you barred either permanently or for maybe 10 years. Is that a possibility you wanna challenge ? Considering all the other obstacles like carrying your bankroll in the socks….:-)), finding good wheels, getting a good place at the table, keeping the good place at the table even when grand ma is pushing her way through for a late zero bet, and all the other hazzles we face, I would say that adding more tension and fear of getting caught only adds inaccuracy to the play.
søndag den 3. maj 2009
New Age
Just back from Berlin after meeting up with a fellow wheelwatcher. I was sad to hear that the "veterans" were losing ground and money. They still manage to pull out 100 K out of their socks, (yeah out of their socks !!), after losing 20 K. Puts a whole new dimension to the phrase "the smell of money".I understood that they were almost betting 1/2 a wheel and i think that is a reaction for not hitting as precise as they used to. They also refuse to alter their play. Most of them play as if the wheels were from 1980.