søndag den 3. maj 2009

New Age

Just back from Berlin after meeting up with a fellow wheelwatcher.  I was sad to hear that the "veterans" were losing ground and money. They still manage to pull out 100 K out of their socks, (yeah out of their socks !!),  after losing 20 K. Puts a whole new dimension to the phrase "the smell of money".I understood that they were almost betting 1/2 a wheel and i think that is a reaction for not hitting as precise as they used to.  They also refuse to alter their play. Most of them play as if the wheels were from 1980.

I was happy to hear that the new breed of wheelwatchers were forming new teams across the countries.  I know it will be a tough nut to swallow, but the veterans would do them selfs a favour by asking the young ones for advice. Even though they were old enough to be their daddys. Todays wheels calls for new measures and the young wheelwatchers has the advantage to never have seen nor played an easy wheel as they were some places 10 years ago. They are used to tough conditions and it calls for more thorough analysis.  The new breed is doing exactly that. 

It seems like the cards has been reshuffled and dealt again.  The ones who knows when to hold and when to fold is the ones who will survive.  

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

Yes, the new breed is coming... be aware if you are a casino owner!!!