Steve Forte is considered a gaming specialist in almost all kind of gaming. Also roulette. I ran over the chapter on Roulette in his book Casino Game Protection where he describes a very basic VB tecknick using a simple head count for establishing the key revolution. It works very well on a nicely tilted wheel but the way he analyses the scatter is directly misleading. "watch ten spins and add up the ball scatter, then divide with 10 to get an average". So what if there is 5 spins with a bounce of 9 and 5 spins with a bounce of 3, is the average bounce then 6 ?? Obviously we would get a better hit rate by considering the most frequent bounce and obviously we need more than 10 spins for that.
Never the less, he has managed to direct the Casinos to the vital parts of our play. A feather in our hats is that Forte was indicted in a Poker scam a while ago. Hopefully that has put him "on hold" with the casinos. Fortunately, Forte does not tell about the tecknicks used to visually beat semi tilted wheels, after all, its the kind of wheels we face today. The most usual will be a 3 pin wheel (drop zone on 75% of the rim) if we are lucky maybe a 2 pin game. Playing Fortes type of VB would drasticly reduce the hit rate compared to the more sophisticated methods. Fortes play would yield an advantage, no doubt about that, but lets all try to keep the finer details of modern VB amongst ourselves. I cannot emphazise it enough : Be carefull with WHICH knowledge you share with WHO.
There are disguised wolwes walking amongst us.
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