Well, on this wheel he certaily can.
It comes from a private club in the south of france where in the mid sixties a fraud took place. Eventually the club owners were arrested but the wheel suddenly appeared on ebay in the UK.
It has small electro magnets under each pocket and i asume there will be a special ball type with a metal core going with the thing.
Amazing, talk about a biased wheel.
3 kommentarer:
Very interesting. I hope this is the only one rigged roulette wheel around.
It certainly makes you think, doesn`t it. At least we know that its technically possible.
I heard about a way to operate it which was to activate a sector of magnets to pull the ball down in a sector of the dealers choice. So a giveaway would be if the dealer was staring intensely in the wheel waiting for a moment where he can "pull" the ball off the rim, having his target sector right in front of te ball.
Well that or with rapid roulette and everything being electronic The least paying sectors could be automatically activated. Guess one wouldn't know cause you could be betting on such a sector while everyone else is not. I have seen some real funny things happening on one specific rapid roulette wheel...... combine that with the fact that the rapid roulette in that casino is classified as slots and not table games makes one wonder....... I mean slots are governed under different laws and so if the wheels are rigged and it is classified as slots it could be set to pay out like a slot ........ legally.
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